• VISITE SITO: 1285.6K

Served Municipalities


Transported waste (t)*

* data relating to the main collection sites


Employed staff


Mln turnover

Organisational model

The “Organisational Model”, pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/2001, is a concrete act of transparency and social responsibility for SENESI Ltd. It constitutes the governance of the company and is not just a mere instrument for adaptation to regulatory requirements.

Code of Ethics

The “Code of Ethics” defines the main values which guide the daily action of SENESI Ltd. All the Senesi personnel and those who collaborate with it, are required to comply with the principles listed in its Code of Ethichs.


Information on the most recent updates, competition notices and initiatives

Senesi SpA

Registered office

Via Romagna, 29
62010 Morrovalle (MC)

Email: info@senesispa.it
PEC: senesi.spa@pec.it
Telefono: +39 0733 221594
Fax: +39 0733 222924

P.IVA 01037400437
IT – R.E.A. MC112119
Cap. Soc. int. vers. € 7.954.000

Supervisory body
